Dennis Cole is a platoon and idea acquainted leader who’s always seeking for enhancement.
He turns to work vested with the understanding that a academy especially a literacy institution should be a healthy terrain academically and socially for staff and scholars.
According to Dennis, education is able of changing lives of the people and transubstantiating societies.
By constantly buttressing this gospel, he has created occasion for growth of education community at Fountain Valley High School.
It involves pretensions conformation, new generalities, and concentrated adherence to matters of quality in academy performing with廪entless commitment to attain the same.
Underpinning all of Dennis Cole’s leadership capacities is the crucial conception of having a clear vision of what he wants for the Fountain Valley High School.
This vision is n’t only attainable in terms of academic performance, but also in all spheres of the academy’s exertion.
With respects to thing setting and resource rallying, he has handed a structural development offer that will make academic as well as social enhancement in the institution.
He has the vision of going once short term problems and concentrating on long term results which has enabled him to put structures that will guarantee the company’s durability.
Dennis Cole now guides the academy for progressive education plus scholars are being prepared not only for examination, but for the larger world.
Dennis Cole believes in every pupil’s capability or argues that everyone can come great.
It’s the heart of this director’s reference and is apparent in his will to foster capability among all the learners.
He’s apprehensive that each pupil possesses certain possibilities; he also knows that each learner has implicit capacities and possible achievement intentions and therefore, his end has always been to equip each learner with necessary implements and support him her.
No matter the styles, academic, material, or social, Dennis makes certain that the scholars to come exceptional by furnishing educational tools starting with tutoring changes, quality installations and coffers, and backing inco-curricular conditioning.
Mr Samuel has assured that Fountain Valley High School practices further of pupil concentrated republic in their literacy.
He has made several trials to set designed fabrics aimed at immolation scholars from different backgrounds the help they need.
This is because by furnishing for the requirements of diversity by feting bents, Dennis has assured that all scholars feel like they belong hence work hard.
His commitment to insure scholars of all_classes, colour, gender, are swung equal occasion is anchored on his philosophical belief that education leads to an equalisation of occasion and equal rights.
The redundant emphatic sweats have brought the Fountain Valley High School to the position of a academy where scholars are n’t only tutored but informed on ways and means of achieving their premier stylish.